666 Project
666 = The 6 hardest deserts in the world on 6 continents in 6 months
6 deserts / 6 continents / 6 x 1 month.
By crossing some of the most demanding deserts on the planet, everyone will be able to see the changes underway, the changes to come, the consequences on nature and the effects on the human body.
Started in 2021, as soon as the project was funded. The project started in the Namib Desert ecoregion in Namibia. The next desert planned is the Atacama Desert. Atacama is known to be the driest region on Earth.
# 666 project
Why this project?
The climate challenge is before us, impossible to hide. The meaning of this project, well beyond its unprecedented character since it will be a world first, is to raise awareness of what humanity is about to experience as a result of climate change: desertification.
By going to experience and crossing some of the most demanding deserts on the planet, everyone will be able to see the changes underway, what is to come, the consequences on nature and the effects on the human body.
666 for 6 hardest deserts in the world on 6 continents in 6 months
6 deserts / 6 continents / 6 x 1 month.
666 is also a nod to what some consider to be the number of Hell, the mark of the beast. A wink to get involved in my own way for the planet and against climate change which is already well underway.
Showing what life is like in the deserts and the difficulties of survival will be the common thread of this project. What better way for an adventurer than to show and explore the reality of the terrain to transmit a few fragments.
Between -70° in Antartica to +60° in the Simpson Desert in Australia ... crossing the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, The Arctic, and Atacama in Chile
This adventure will be available to follow daily on my social networks, the social networks of my partners, and on Seize.TV live.
I wish to create (if I'm able to find the means) one of the first "Live Adventure" outside of live browsers on the internet and why not on TV.
Of course, I also would like to produce 6 documentaries (one for each desert) and raise awareness of the reality on the ground.

"Grimper l'Himalaya avec un vélo ? Oui il faut croire en ses rêves!"
Stéven Le Hyaric | TEDxBordeaux

Put a man in a hyper hostile universe like a desert… The desert is not there to take you in its arms, it picks you up, it puts you in heat all day long, in the wind, you miss 'air, you become some kind of zombie. I show that, I show, the difficulties, the reality on the ground and nothing raises awareness of the temperatures of tomorrow better than showing the realities of living them today.